Akyga Universal Laptop Power Supply AK-NU-11 19V/19,5V/20V, 45 W

Azonosító #218639
Gyártó Akyga
Frissítve29 perce
Garancia 24 hónap
(2 984 Ft + ÁFA)

3 790 Ft

RENDELÉSRE, 1 munkanap

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Típus Hálózati Töltő (Utángyártott)

Termék leírás


Akyga® AK-NU-11 is a universal power supply for various types of notebooks powered in the range of 19V / 19.5V / 20V and maximum 45W, holding a set of 6 different interchangeable plugs. Plugs differ from each other in inner and outer dimensions and presence of the pin. This kind of solution is particularly recommended for people who want to supply various models of laptops of different brands, without buing and carring many different power supplies. If needed, to match the power supply to a completely different range of products, all you have to do is only change the plug.

The output voltage is adjusted automatically after connecting the selected plug. The cord of the power adapter is equipped with a high-quality ferrite core that prevents and protects devices from any possible mode currents and high frequency noise. A set of protectors (OVP, OTP, OPP, SCP and OCP) guarantees fully secure, stable work of both powered device and the power supply. Additional safety for the equipment is provided by the soft start technology, which neutralizes the shock of the first stroke of current during the device startup.

The set of six interchangeable plugs includes:

  • K5 - 19 V / 20 V 5.5x2.5 mm
  • K6 - 19 V 5.5x1.7 mm
  • K9D - 19.5 V 4.5x3.0 mm + pin
  • K10H - 19.5 V 4.5x3.0 mm + pin
  • K12 - 19 V / 20 V 4.0x1.7 mm
  • K13 - 19 V 3.0x1.0 mm

All Akyga’s power supplies are packed in environment friendly Ecobox and the set includes a 1.5m power cord.

We encourage you to use our notebook power adapter search engine.

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Express szállítás, feladást követő 1 munkanapon belül a csomag kiszállításra kerül. A szállítás napján 3 órás időablakot jelöl meg a futárcég.

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Vegy át csomagját egyszerűen és kényelmesen MOL, COOP csomagponton, PostaPontton, vagy a nap 24 órájában csomagautomatából.

2 990 Ft-tól

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